Posts Tagged ‘cosmic ethic’

Let me begin by apologizing for “tomorrow” turning into several days later. I suffer from migraines and in some cases can function except when writing.. It would have been verrry scarrryyy…This baby dragged on for 3 days…

Anyway, enough excuses. on with some thoughts.

So, I figured that the best way to consider the laws of the human and how they are in direct contradiction of the Cosmic Ethic is to work with the basic needs and then show three examples with each, I will supply some links as I find them.. However, I encourage you to look up this info yourself. Don’t just listen to me.. go check it out:

1) Eat: All human HAVE to eat, right? In that we have the right to eat food that nourishes us. Otherwise eating is pointless.  is a link to a story in Orlando FLA, 2007 where people have been arrested for feeding the hungry.

In 2011 a woman in Oak Park, Michigan faced 93 days in jail for growing a garden in her own yard so she could feed herself.

Within Bureaucratic policy making, there are many stories of CPS workers threatening to take away children i n homes that “hoard” food. While not “Illegal”, those storing food, ( such as myself), are considered mentally ill and are scaring our children by wishing to be prepared. Many CPS agencies have a policy that a family must be investigated if turned in for “hoarding” food.

2) Drink: By this, of course I mean the most basic; water.

The first laws I will point out do not exist any more, but graphically illustrate Law as a con-job. White only water fountains of the South. Until the late 60’s early 70’s many public places had water fountains for every one marked “coloreds only” 7 to 10 were marked “whites only”. Imagine being arrested for the right to quench your thirst.

Utah, Oregon and Colorado have laws limiting your RIGHT to catch rainwater in a container and use it to quench your thirst or even water your plants.  And it is supposedly outright illegal in 9 states.I have not had time to check up on this one, so if anyone knows them I would love to know which ones!

Among national ” laws” are water trading laws. Within these laws big corps are given rights to drain water from our great lakes and other water areas and sell the water to other countries or bottle it and sell it to you! Conversely, these laws give the right tot he Corp to sue YOU if you access the same water and purify it for your drinking needs!

3) Rest: We all need sleep. many time we cannot even control our bodies when they decide it’s time. While most of us have a roof over our head, many do not, yet they still need to rest. Instead of a gov’t and society that aid in helping the poor and homeless find safe places to rest we have the following…

Orange County CA among many other counties have outlawed sleeping in cars. I mean, unless it is someone else’s car. The person is off the street and obviously has no place else to go, or they wouldn’t be in their damn car! links to a site describing the criminalization of homelessness including open sleeping  and sleeping in tents in informal camping areas. I will consider these laws 2 and3 and refer back to this link in several more areas.

4)Thinking and Communicating: The First Amendment covers this in our constitution and I can cover the laws pretty quickly here…. Free speech zones set up after the passing of the patriot act.  “Hate speech” which is obviously a terrible thing, but based in thought and responsibility for speaking out. This is a cultural issue and not the gov’ts right to arrest a person for having thoughts. The Criminalization of thought thru mental illness laws, specifically my mention of CPS and “hoarding”, ( Not real hoarding, obviously, but prepping for disaster, job loss, etc. ).

5)Evacuate: Here is one that gets me every time. I can mention old laws of the south of White only Bathrooms. Imagine having to pee so bad and having to risk arrest to GO!

Currently we have lawmakers in some states wanting to have arrests for people using the wrong gender bathroom. You can argue this is for the safety of women or whatever, but if the bathroom is a lock door, one person, why outlaw the use to one gender? I also point back to the Homeless link for info on the criminalization of using otherwise public bathrooms if one is homeless.

What really gets me is the little people laws.. Specifically the case of  3 year old Dillion of Oklahoma. He was potty training and “HAD to GO.” He was standing in the front yard and went pee. His grandmother was fined $2,500.00!!!!  Now, I am not saying we should all have the right to whip it out or go in the streets, but this is a very good example of the basic human need being restrained. the grandmother had already explained to Dillon he needed to come in and use to bathroom before he needed to go so bad. Why fine the family for the simple needs of a 3 year old????

6) Ambulate:  Movement. From the basic of moving from room to room to traveling. We are restricted with “driving” licenses that are taken away at a whim. We register a car and then the plates are run constantly for no reason. You could be traveling in your car, following all the traffic “laws” and the “law” allows for the cop to monitor your plates anyway. This makes me feel weird, and not wish to travel at will. Ambulating, including walking or rolling ( if you have the wheelchair need), in many areas can merit a cop stop, due to policies and statutes made up by law makers. I once watched a man get ticketed for “dancing” up a sidewalk. He was stopped by the police for suspicious behavior. He had just had a good experience,was sober, but happy and told by the cops it was illegal for him to dance unless there was a parade. He laughed and kept dancing and was ticketed 500$. He was AMBULATING his way home. No issues.. His walking included dancesteps of happiness. This was illegal!

I will cover Sheltered, Hygienic and Healthy in the next blog!


The Savage

Ever look at a law or code book for the Federal government? At our local University Library it is… Wait for it… SEVEN (7) bookcases ( two sided) long. Ever look at your state’s? Or county’s? I have looked through them for different things and found them cumbersome, unintelligible and to be honest, a con job. Every time some whiner says “There should be a law!” Guess what some vote greedy “lawmaker” does? Makes a law. In cities and counties these are not even laws, they are policies. ( Which is illegal.. but that is another topic.)

Now, the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the US and the Bill of Rights are well thought out and  well written documents that can be argued to be obsolete or timely. I would say they are as timely as the Ten Commandments. ( For those in the know, I am a queer spectrum, non-Christian Female and I am sure this statement seems shocking!). Let me explain:

Man is just a spiritual essence in a meat-stick. We are “sent here” having NO idea what the hell is happening or going to happen. Yet we feel, we WANT to connect with something. We want to understand what the hell it’s all about. Even the atheist has a calling, usually to science.  The essence comes to the body with a “Cosmic Ethic”.  we KNOW we need to help a baby or a sick person. We KNOW we need to eat. A great set of novels that reflects on the idea in the “Earth Children” Series by J. Auel.  So, anyway, we have intelligent minds that try to document what is “the point”. You end up with Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, Political platforms, etc etc etc. ( please use Yul Brenner accent for ALL etc etc etc.. It makes it more fun!).

Now, these are just human based points. They are not even going to TOUCH on the idea, because we see everything in black and white. In the Cosmic Ethic, there is a lot of room for spectrum. However, the Ten Commandments try to touch on it. Buddha did a damn good job, and, I think, so did the old white deists that worked up our founding documents in the USA.

So what IS the Cosmic Ethic. I do not KNOW what it is, however, I have pondered the thought a lot and have a very limited definition of what it is. ( I have to justify 69,000$ in student loans some how!!!!!)

Cosmic Ethic, ( as considered by L. Jones)

Specific Ethics are transferred to us at the birth of our cosmic journey. Over time these have been eroded from the mind by our own arrogance and the by the work of the human despots with pathic issues. ( Pshyco- or Socio-) These have corrupted the ethic and this severs the connection with the Cosmic Ethic. Every time the human falls into fascist control complexes, ( Military/Industrial, Medical/Industrial, etc etc etc.), we move farther away from the connection. Many attempt to reconnect and are led to religio/facist control and again the connection is lost.

An expansion of the Cosmic Ethic, ( in my limited thinking), is this:

1) All earth beings, as well as the Earth itself and our local cosmic geography have a right to unfettered existence within the needs of the beings and the geography. Any use of the resources beyond basic needs is excess that require karmic balancing.

2) Nothing on this Earth can be possessed. The humans in want of control set up a false system of possession that uses the “drugs” of status and greed. Items being utilized by the human are in their care and temporary control. To remove a real or perceived item in the care of a human before it is time for that human to pass it on is against the cosmic ethic. ( Theft) This includes Life Essence. ( Murder)

3) The Life Essence gifted to each being during their stay on Earth id only in the care of that being. Plants and animals have been generous in allowing the right of different Life Essences to retrieve their life force for nourishment and healing. To misuse this is against the Cosmic Ethic.

4) Mothers have been given the sole right to decide the capability of the the life force in a vulnerable human of their seed. Only if a mother is not capable should the decision be passed to the father or a ward. The mother carries the vulnerable and is fully connected. At all costs the despot community should be avoided as a caregiver.

5) Each physical body has the right to remain untouched and safe from harm. In addition, each life cauldron, ( brain, spinal cord), also has the right. To force on another unneeded or unwarranted words or acts is a violation of the Cosmic Ethic.

6) All action must be done without intentional malignancy.

7) To speak freely may be a “right” In the human plain, but it is a gift given at cosmic inception. it comes with extreme responsibility. To generate thought, analyze such and speak to the opinion of, or enjoy the humor of is open to all, as long as it does not abuse the vulnerable.

8) Friendship, in all it’s forms, is the ultimate Cosmic Ethic instilled at conception. All form of interaction and conception should be utilized thru the lens of friendship.

9) Appropriate discrimination is also a gift from the cosmic conception. It saves the human from danger and allows for individuality. To abuse this thru “isms” is a violation of the Cosmic Ethic.

10) Every Human is born  with the need to eat, drink, rest, think, communicate such, evacuate, ambulate, be sheltered, hygienic and healthy.All peoples should be rightly provided with the tools that allow for this. To make “profit” from these is a violation of the cosmic ethic. ( In my opinion, “profit” is made by corporations and not by individuals bartering with each other for needs)

11) Every Human has the responsibility to consider their individual connection to the Cosmic Conception and the right to form a process of explanation and practice, as well as any human needed rites associated with that explanation as long as it does not violate the Cosmic Ethic.

12) we must live each moment so we can sense the Cosmic Ethic. If you cannot justify the actions you have preformed or stand to accept the potential consequences the despots will place upon you, you have not acted within the Cosmic Ethic.

In Summary:

The Pure action that exists in the deep psyche of the human, not marred by mental or social pathism, that may be referred to as religious, spiritual or cultural, has been dislodged, corrupted and controlled by despotism. One can return to a limited understanding and enjoyment of the actions by working past the despotic controls.

Also could be called.. COMMON SENSE!

Sooooo…How does this relate to “laws”. These are like “laws”. These are not “laws”.  While I can write out the thoughts, they are not encoded in any book to be followed upon threat of punishment. Ethics are more “known” an inner realization, that these blogged words can only touch the tip of.  Laws are made and coded to keep those that are “pathic”, ( so far cut off from the Cosmic Ethic they would not know it if it sat next to them and bought them a beer!), can be punished.

However, the problem is that the “pathic” have taken over and are making the laws!  We are swamped in laws trying to control our every motion for the “pathic’s” benefit!!! They violate every one of the Cosmic Ethics. The Law is the Con Job and we are the abused.

Tomorrow: Examples of how current laws and acts are in direct violation of the Cosmic Ethic.



The Savage

Here I am. I am rambling through my brain considering thoughts on sovereignty and spirituality; conspiracy and consciousnesses; prepping and parenting. All this in a time when we are seeing attacks on our economics, spiritual beliefs and life freedoms. I had many posts up here for two years, but trashed them! Why? Because what is happening is deeper than news and vids and “facts”. There is deep truth that we need to share and discuss. I am sick of Facebook immaturity and online “instant info” that fills our hearts and heads and then is found to be lies and garbage.  I want to journal the way I connect the dots and how I honor your way of connecting the dots, even if we are not completely on the same page, we are all in the chapter and are reading the same book!  I want to talk to like minded people that know their thoughts are as important and authoritative, ( if not more), as some stuffed shirt with 3 Phds behind his or her name. I want to show my progress thru prepping and thinking and crafting and anything else that promotes my and your “Libertas”.

So, Here I am. Will you join me?

Tomorrow: The Cosmic Ethic. My thoughts on why man made laws are a con job.



The Savage