Posts Tagged ‘Obama’

Hi Savages!

So, today, I was setting out a reply to a post of the juvenile, but all important Facebook and I realized I have a bit of example of  how the nanny state fucks with us….

Funny thing is, even While I consider myself a very awake human, I still surprise myself when I have a sudden realization of the underpinnings of BIG BRO and how they eek their tendrils into every facet of our lives.

I read many posts about the amendments, guns, free speech zones , etc.etc.etc. ( remember one of my few say it like Yul Brenner….lol)

I bud of mine on the FB, I will call KIK, ( K_____ the INFO KING!), sends out info all day long on the feed and I look up a bunch of it, already know a bunch, ( but need the reminder!!!),and learn new and disturbing stuffs. Today he put up a meme with info about how kids in the US are drugged in the schools and the FEDS give $$$ to the schools for this.

On top of this, I had just replied to some postings about Obamacare, via his feed days earlier. I realized I have dealt with FEDERAL invasive crap for along time and have not really NOTICED it as Fascism. CRAZY!

Now, it is not because I am special, or “targeted” or anything like that! It is because NON OF US can go about our daily lives without being subject to gov’t micro management! The gov’t has gotten so out of control, that we can’t even breath in and out without being made to feel guilty. Yet, HUGE corps. go NUTS anyway they want.

So, I wish to share  3 of my examples:

Obamacare: My Husband was born with Spinal Bifida and Hydrocephaly. He was born in the mid 60’s. Without the advances in medical science and the Medicaid program he would not be alive today and I am grateful to these advances. He is a incredible father to 2 daughters and 5 stepsons that see him as their real dad. He is brilliant and I am sure 4x smarter than I could ever be.

He has been dependent on Federal Medical care for all his life. He has a wheel chair and multiple surgeries for bones and body issues and needs ostomy appliances. I am perfectly fine with my taxes going to pay for medicaid for folks with disabilities. he has tried working here and there, and he is not able. He works at home with me and helped homeschool 7 kids.. HE WORKED!!!!

Obamacare campaigning has made a big noise about the uninsured and how we will be helping elderly and poor and disabled that have no ins. Really? Then, why, as Obamacare has been implemented in my state has my husband LOST care? We cannot get NEEDED supplies because the state cannot afford to buy what he needs, and I have to put out money we do not have to make sure he is healthy and sanitary. Now, Some may say to me..( why shouldn’t you pay for stuff.. We do!). Hell, I pay for a lot of things NOT covered by Medicaid. My hunny has a very special diet he HAS to eat. It adds quite a bit to our bill. I COULD go get a diagnosis and ask for massive amounts of Foodshare to help with it.. I don’t. We could go into the clinic every time he has a sniffle, ( which is what they want us to do) and get an antibiotic or other drug. He takes none. He knows the cost to the public of his needs and we try to only apply for the stuff we just cannot afford.

Ok, so the issue:

He HAS to have something called Urostomy appliances. There are a disposable “bladder” that comes in two pieces. Each piece is about 8 bucks.. That’s right, 16 dollars a change. He SHOULD be changing every 2 days or so. He is very active, sometimes he has to use one a day, depending. The Company that makes them says the appliance should last 3 to 4 days, and they do, at times.. The average use a month is 12 to 15 sets. We used to get 20 sets and the price was about 12$ a setup, BEFORE Obamacare. So, the setup goes up 4$ and the new policies say can now only get SIX. YEP! SO, after the SIX are used up, WHAT do they expect him to do? Reuse them. He is not considered a full enough human to get PROPER urination supplies to stay healthy. WHY? I don’t know why for sure, but I DO KNOW that he has outlived what his average of life was by about 30 years. Every day he gets up is a gift from the GODS. He is not COST effective! He COULD drop over in an hour. NOW every surgery, supply, anything goes thru a PRIVATE HMO panel that DECIDES if his life is COST EFFECTIVE!! THAT is our new affordable healthcare in only PARTIAL action!

Now, Am I blaming the Democratic Administration? Don’t get all flustered.. and all dualistic.. If we go back about 15 years I have a great example of FEDERAL micromgt in our school system.

I homeschooled my monkeys. In the process of educating the magnificent 7 , ( or the Good and the Bad and the Ugly, depending on  the day!!), I was talked into returning some of them to public school in different guises for small period of times. One of these was over standardized testing in the state of Minnesota. In that state we were REQUIRED to test yearly and my 5 year old SUPPOSEDLY tested as borderline simple. I was horrified! I had been reading to her form birth and she could read books for 8 year olds at home. So I was told that I needed to put them all in school or I would be “investigated”.

I enrolled them. Not a week later I get a call about my 5 year old, my 12 year old and my 16 year old. They are hyper, out of control, will not shut up, ask too many questions, are giving the neighbors the answers to lessons.. yada yada yada.

I go to a meeting. I am told they are ADHD. I asked who diagnosed them.. The school Admin says THEY did, but they still need a Dr. Diagnosis. I am told to take them to the doctor. Only one teacher out of 6 sitting in the room thinks something else is going on. I take them. The dr says, “well, I think they are all fine.” I am ordered to take them to another dr.That one says my 12 year old is ADHD. I am ordered to another dr. same thing.

Finally, the Kindergarten Teacher tests my 5 year old over again with some tests she heard about. My 5 year old tests out to 1.6 grade. This means she SHOULD be 2/3 the way thru 1st grade classes. She is bored out of her mind and is teaching other kids stuff for something to do. The K teacher speaks with me about her critical thinking skills being amazing but the school has no place for “Bright kids”.  !!??!! THEN I find out my 16 year old tests to sophomore college! In the meantime we end up with a bomb threat on the High and Jr high and my 15v year old has to sneak to a phone because they will not allow the kids to call their parents to go home.

Well, I went a little NUTS!!!! I am surprised I was not arrested in the halls of the school. I picked up the kids AND a good friend’s son and went home. I went back to the school the next day and filled out the paper work to withdraw my kids. I was accosted by several teachers, one that screamed at me for causing the district to lose important federal aid. ( I was shocked by this comment.. WHAT fed aid???)

I find out later that…

ONE) My 12 year old was labelled has emotionally unstable in a fast track document sent out thru the courts and out there for ANY school or employer or cop to see for several years until the documents were finally reregistered as private.

TWO) That the Federal Gov’t is paying schools an extra 400$ to 3000$ a month, a CHILD, ( IN 1999.. who knows how high NOW), if diagnosed with ADHD or OTHER emotional or mental issues.

And 15 years later. My son that was “labelled”… He could not get employment, schooling.. was harassed by the cops and is now in prison. A prison run by a private corp contracted originally by the Federal Gov’t. That is my third example.


The Savage.

I was supposed to work today, but ended up with stomach “flu” and am a prisoner of the couch and the.. well, anyway… I am crabby and cranky. Maybe that is why I am about to have a flippin fit, or maybe that is why I can have one.

I mean, when a person is down for the count, it seems that all the thoughts of what it is like to be in the trenches really hits you. On top of it, you have time to think.

This has led me to this moment where I want to stick my feverish foot up everybody’s ass in about a ten mile radius of me.. ok maybe a couple hundred…

I just am FLOORED by people that cannot see what is going on around them! I am so frustrated by the Obama Locksteppers and those participating in the left/right paradigm I could SCREAM!

It is SOOOOOOO obvious that we have not had a president in years that is in control of the White House or even gives a shit about what is going on.

I commented earlier, in the sandbox that is Facebook, that I was frustrated with a person that thought Obama was better that Bush because he droned little colored children in the middle east instead of sending in  live troops. A response from a longtime friend was that “in essence” this was true! NO IT IS NOT! How is a DRONE  “in essence” better than ground troops??? When did we stop thinking and start just being fact fed and pablum accepting?????

I remember that basic algebra is thought to lead the young mind to critical thinking.. Try using it!

I am disgusted that all the anti Bush Anti war protesters bled back in the woodwork when the precious OBAMA hit the pres podium!!! Why is Bush’s war WRONG and Obama’s war OK???

Killing is Killing. PERIOD! We have no business in ANY of the countries we are in right now. PERIOD! We are in them without Legislative war authorization. PERIOD!  We have proof that this administration as well as at least the past 4 have used false flag operations to get us into armed conflicts. PERIOD! How HARD is it to SEE this!!!!

But.. Most sit on their asses and sing about rainbows and unicorn farts and how amazing Obama is, and if I point out his CRAP policies and the past CRAP polices he promised to change, I get called a racist!

The issue is a bunch of you are so happy with yourselves that you are in support of a “black president” and you feel all puffed up with your “tolerant” ways, that you can’t see that they are all the same color.. MONEY GREEN! I bet you all still cross the street when you see a black kid with droopys on walkin your way! Guess what. I nod, say hi and occasionally give a ride to the poor shmoos; Black, White, Purple, Chartruse!

And for those of you that think you are thinking great thoughts because you are all puffed up on your heady love for Obama or Gay Rights or Gun Bans or can quote a talkingpoint  off the cuff , stop being so holier than thou. It’s a shit storm out here in the real world, Daddio. What thinking have you DONE lately? When was the last time you read a white paper or a bill before and assembly and CONSIDERED what it means. When was the last time you watched a roundhouse of Media and really CONSIDERED what these people’s agendas are how LAME their reporting is… And I include Amy Goodman and Alex the EGO AX Jones in here. Take one event in the last month and look at reports by MADCOW, O’REALLY, Sean HANDJOB. Throw in the views of Amy and Alex and see what the hell is up.. Filter it all and THINK!

Then, if you still are of  the same thought! Ok, at least you did some citizen research and LOOKED! I am so sick of talking points handed to you in Obama Admin ads or FOX news.

And for those telling me to calm down and breathe and look in my chakras and all that jazz.. Get off your gilded unicorn and get down here with the rest of us! I am actually VERY calm. I just don’t depend on some political or cultural guru to be my authority.


The Savage